Thursday, October 9, 2008

At home with 3

So I have been home for 2 weeks now with the little guy. HOLY COW!! It is rough. Each time I have given birth, it's such an adjustment adding the new addition to the family. I don't think I have had all 3 kids happy at the same time today. At least one of them has been crying at all times. I finally thought to myself.....I need my own time out. So I went out on the porch for a few minutes. It helped :). My neighbor came over with her daugher to visit and said as she entered in....."how's the kids?" I said "See for yourself" with a smile. She then asked "What is WRONG?" I replied. "I don't know, they just don't stop crying today." When she came over, all 3 of them were screaming their eyes out. Five minutes before she came I thought I was going to loose it. Then the door knocked and it was her. She took my 2 older kids to her house and they were fine once they had a change of scenery. It has always been hard for me to accept help. I have a hard time swallowing my pride. I am grateful for my neighbors and where I live, because they make me accept it and help me everyday. On a lighter note, I have absolutley adored and loved our new little Levi. I have forgotten what a sweet spirit newborns bring into the home. Straight from heaven, you can feel their new little spirit so strong. I am so grateful that I have the opportunity to be a mother and learn and grow everyday....especially my patience :)


Jane said...

It's tough.....but you guys are great parents. Just remember, it may sound strange coming from me but God will never give you anything you can't handle and just look at those little cuties :-) Love you guys.

Mindi said...

Hang in there!! He is a cutie.