Friday, October 10, 2008

First week home with Levi

This is my favorite position of newborns. Their arms look so funny because they stretch them over head and they don't even reach the top of their heads! It's so CUTE!!!
Pucker up!! His initials are "LOV".....he's already carrying out his name to the fullest!

Our new life.....all 3 of them always on either Bryce or I. If Levi's being held, Kenzie & Cache need to be to! :)

Here is Levi on Daddy's tummy the first day home.


Marianne said...

oh he's a cutie, i'm glad you guys are going through what we're going through, our kids are always on our laps when we have the baby :) email me and i'll email you back our number.

stephanie said...

new born babies are the best. Congratulations! I totally get what you are saying three is tough! My mom had eight. I don't know how she is still sane.