Wednesday, March 4, 2009

He's Two and full of Trouble

We just celebrated Cache's 2nd birthday. He is 100% in the "terrible two" stage. Two year olds are SO cute at times, and then so FRUSTERATING at other times. He test our patience everyday, but it always makes it worth it when he says "hug mummy" and gives me a big bear hug saying " I lub you mummy."
Cache had a wonderful birthday though. It started with him going to "Build A Bear" with my sweet neighbor and ended at "Chucky Cheeses". What more could a kid ask for? Below are the pics....

The end result

The best present he got was a "cho-cho train". He is completely obsessed with trains right now. The train broke the next morning. I guess there is a reason why it said "5 yrs old and up." Dangit.

Cache would find any open spot and just hop on. He rode off the other kids tokens. Smart boy.

CACHE 2 yrs old

Loves balls, cars, trucks, and trains. Typical boy.

Clean. Tidy. Now sleeps with his new bear.

Doesn't like his hands to be dirty. Loves being outside.

Escape artist. Can find a way to climb anything.

Likes to eat anywhere BUT the kitchen. Likes to draw, especially on walls, tables and chairs.

Thrill seeker. Likes to watch daddy work, especially with LOUD power tools. Is a runner. Before

we get to where we are going he says "I wanna run, I wanna run!" GOOD BOY CACHE! KEEP



The Everyday Housewife said...

Build A Bear and Chuck E Cheese?! That's a dream come true for anyone!! Happy Birthday, Cache! He is ADORABLE!

Jane said...

I love this post Amy! Before you know it he'll be right next to you when you go on your morning run.