Monday, August 24, 2009

Hey All!

So over the last couple months, I've become a better facebooker and a horrible blogger!! The main reason, Bryce bought a camera that is so "high tech" it gives me a headache just to take a picture. I need some serious help when it comes to that thing!! You can't have a bunch of blogs without all the pictures that come with it, so I've started facebooking more. Retarded I know. This summer has just slipped by so fast though. We had a short summer, but a fun one. Lots of our days were spent at good 'ole Seven Peaks. Bryce just started teaching at Provo High this last week. We went to see his classroom and it finally sunk in that this is really going to be his job. Over the summer he did a bunch of trainings, but it still didn't really seem real. We'll have to pull out the camera and take some pics of his classroom. Kenzie thinks that his job is the coolest thing in the world and is stoked to have him be a teacher. So that's been kinda cute. I feel like I can't keep it all together now at home with adding some more classes to my already busy schedule as well as doing more training. But all and all we are all happy and healthy and excited for fall and to stop having to mow and weed the yard. Is it that time yet?


The Everyday Housewife said...

How can you squeeze in more training?! You are amazing! Can't wait to see pix of Bryce's room. The beginning of the school year is always so exciting. I was walking down the halls of Larsen today thinking, "Maybe I do want to teach school again!"

J-ME said...

sounds like a busy/crazy/fun summer! I bet bryce is the best teacher. Is he lovin it?

J said...

I WISH I could see Bryce teaching! I'm sure he's awesome. Can't wait to see you guys in October!