Sunday, July 20, 2008

Perfect Date Night

On Friday we went boating with some of our friends from our neighborhood. It was so fun just to go with couples and boat until dark. It's been a long time since we went boating without kids. You forget what it's like to not constantly worry about kids when your on the water. Everyone else got out on either the tube or wakeboard. I wasn't able to get out and do any skiing being pregnant, but it was still a dream to just sit there and enjoy the time with the people we were with. Bryce and I have continued to enjoy our neighborhood. There are so many great people on our ward that we have become close to.
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Jessica said...

It looks like so much fun! I have not been out on a boat for at least two summers! Ahhh! I think one of our friends needs to purchase a boat. What do you think?

Jane said...

Nice to take some time out to be with the "grown-ups" from time to time. You look great Amy...hope your feeling ok too.

J-ME said...

What a fun date! It sounds like you guys have a great little neighborhood with great friends!
I'm sure it was fun just relaxing on the boat not worrying the little ones!