Thursday, March 12, 2009

Memorable Temple Date

McKenzie and I got to take a mother-daughter date to the Draper temple yesterday. From the time Kenzie could talk, temples have always amazed her. For months when she was only 2 years old, we made family nights a night of driving around Utah county to look at different temples. When we told her she was going to get to go inside, she was thrilled!
It ended up being pretty long tour for a kid, but she did really well and when we got home, she told Daddy everything that she had learned, as she showed him all the pictures in the pamphlet they gave her.

When asked her favorite part, she said "The Bus!" Not really a response I was hoping for, but I guess she is a kid...
She was SO tired after everything, that as soon as we started driving she was out! This is her in the car about 2 minutes after we started driving. I had to capture it.

1 comment:

The Everyday Housewife said...

So does this mean going to the temple=naptime?! Ha! Ha!