Friday, December 12, 2008

FHE Christmas Party

This year Bryce's parents threw quite a Christmas bash on Monday night. They invited a bunch of people with at least 20 kids or so. Santa came and all the kids ran down least everyone but Cache. All Cache was interested in was the train that was upstairs. He sat in the front room by himself watching the train go around and around. It's so cute to see how boy and how girl little kids come when they are born. To bad we discovered this fasination he has with trains AFTER we finished Christmas shopping!

After bribing Cache will candy, we got him to sit on Santa's lap....just enough time for a couple pics and then he was back upstairs and in front of the train.

If you know McKenzie at all, you know she is a talker! A lot of times to much of a talker! I don't think there is a shy bone in her body. Here we are trying to get a picture taken. All she can do is keep talking about everything she's done this year, this month, today, yesterday, what she wants for Christmas......Santa finally just looked at me and I took the shot. She didn't even hear me in the back ground saying "smile sweety, look at mommy sweety, there is still a long line of kids that need to see Santa McKenzie...."Santa sure does have to come with LOTS of patience! :)

He sung them a bunch of songs and also read them a couple stories. It was really cute.

During the holiday season I often wonder, where did this whole Santa thing come from? How come the whole world has become part of it? We make our kids believe that there is this magic man who visits each one of them at their own house on Christmas Eve, he's really fat and comes through a chimney (we don't even have one of those) to bring them presents. It's become such a big thing that EVERYONE has to play it up. I think it's really fun, but it is kinda messed up. Same with the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny.


Mindi said...

I like how Santa is making the same face in every picture, do you think he practiced it? We haven't taken Jane to see Santa yet (bad parents I know) but I'm sure she'll so the same thing as McKenzie.

Noell said...

Yeah, I know what you mean about the whole stories idea - Amy, I can't believe how big the kids are getting, time sure does fly. It feels like it was just the other day Steven and I were in the back seat with Kenz and we were headed down to the cabin for Conference weekend, or pushing her in the stroller while you three were racing around St. George. Good times!

Jessica said...

I 100% agree with the whole Santa thing. I sometimes wonder, "is it healthy to lie to our kids at an early age?" The whole world does it, so that makes it okay and right? I think about that as well....

The Everyday Housewife said...

How does Santa get into the house with no chimney? My kids told me there is a secret door he comes through. I'm actually quite nervous about that! Hopefully no one else knows how to get into our house in the middle of the night! The party looks fantastic!

Jane said...

Enjoy it while you can Amy, they really do grow up to quickly. As for the no chimny thing.... Santa has a magic key that will open any door :-) I wish he was still coming to my house!